Andrew Paul Booth and Jessica Anne Gallier, together with their children Cameron and Leo, joyfully request the pleasure of your company on the day of their marriage.
Once upon a time Captain Andrew saw Princess Jessica across the milk aisle in Aldi.
On Christmas eve 2020, at the top of Thurstaston Hill and in the presence of their beautiful children, Captain Andrew popped the big question, in the hope that they could once again start something special on an aisle (we know, it's cheese on toast).
After much thought and consideration Princess Jessica said YES and they all lived happily ever after.
Until the cursed Mini broke down again.
We have already been truly blessed with our two children, our beautiful home and our wonderful life together.
For our wedding we request your presence (not your presents). Honestly, if you are able, come and have a great time with us, we truly do not wish for anything more.....
However, if you really, really must gift us, please babysit our children.....
The day will be split between two venues, special transport will be provided.
Vows will be exchanged at St James Parish Church at 12 noon, followed by dinner and dancing at The Bourgainvillea Beach Resort.
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